Street View Page on Morocco, Africa

Google Street View is available through Google Maps and Google Earth and provides panoramic views along many streets in the world. It was started in 2007 in the United States and has since expanded to include a large number of countries. Some countries have objected to this form of data gathering and have not allowed Google to take the imagery. Available Street View imagery available is shown as blue lines on Google Maps once the so-called pegman has been activated. Images are most often taken by car but a variety of other modes of transport have been used. Once captured, the images are subsequently stitched together. In some areas, Street View images are augmented by privately-done photospheres.


  1. Street View screen captures
  2. Links to Street View panoramas


  1. Moore's Where to Invade Next

1 Street View Screen Captures


Hassan II Mosque is a lavish symbol not only of the city, but also of Morocco itself.  The mosque is beautifully located right on the Atlantic coast of Casablanca.  If you will notice, it looks as though the floor it resides is a reflection from the water. This modern mosque was finished in 1993. The details covering every centimeter of this two-acre site took over 10,000 artisans to complete.  The picture only shows a small amount of the intricately carved marble pieces, vibrant mosaics, and zellige tile details that pay tribute to traditional Islamic architecture ideals and the mastery of Moroccan craftsmanship and yet, at the same time, still manage to feel contemporary.

The Walled City


The modern name means "the little rampart", a reference to the fortress walls that still enclose part of the city. The wall was designed by English renegade by the name of Ahmed el Inglizi. During the design they took numerous steps to encourage the development of Essaouira: the harbor of Agadir to the south was closed off in 1767, so that southern trade should be redirected through Essaouira. European communities in the northern harbor of Rabat-Salé were ordered to move to Essaouira through an ordinance of 21 January 1765. The walls were designed to protect the city from the strong waves in the winter season.

The Blue Gate

“The Blue Gates of Fes” are the towering entryway with its mosaic tiles are the most iconic portal to the old medina, Fes el-Bali, the world’s largest surviving medieval city and urban car free zone.  This beautiful doorway was built in 1913 and is a doorway between two equally colorful and dynamic scenes, one that feels distinctly 21st century, and the other an intriguing mix of different eras. The blue on the side that greets new visitors represents the color of the city of Fes, which is famous for its pottery, painted with elegant cobalt blue designs. The reverse side, which faces the medina, is green which represent the color of Islam. 

2 Links to Street View Panoramas

Insert three links to Street View Panoramas here

Hassan II Mosque

The Walled City

Blue Gate of Fes

3 TripGeo Streetview Player

Hassan II Mosque to the Tahiti Beach Club


Tahiti Beach Club to the Espace Porte D'Anfa

Espace Porte D'Anfa is one of the local business buildings.  At one time it used to be a mall, but many of the google reviews indicate that now it is being utilized as a business building.

Casablanca Mall to the Tahiti Beach Club

The Morocco Mall is a fascinating insight into Morocco’s development. One of the largest malls in Africa, it has a huge fountain outside as well as a big indoor aquarium. Ride the glass elevator through the double-level aquarium for a unique experience. There are numerous eateries in the mall too where you can grab a drink and a snack.

One of the difficulties I encountered in creating these street views are the lack of street view image along most of the routes, even in an attempt of round trip.  Along the beach front of Casablanca had most of the walking views, and occasionally you would come thru buildings.  If I went thru the central part of the city, in several of the routes you would have black images. 

4 Moore's Where to Invade Next

Moore's documentary is politically polarizing. Conservative columnists, such as Armon White, are sharply critical of the movie. Putting aside politics, what can the movie show us about the value of travel in understanding our own country.

After reviewing the article by Armond White, it certainly intrigued my interest of this movie.  I am not big on documentary films as we often only see the story they want to share. Putting political views aside, Moore certainly brings much of the issues we face in the United States to reality in this movie.  However, as Armond points in his review, Moore only tells a story of what he wants you to see.  While there are many viewpoints regarding what we are not doing right in the United States, many countries are faced with the same political issues and problems that we are faced with. White said it best when noting” comfortable enough to devote his “comedy” to shaming the United States, Moore deliberately misrepresents — and misunderstands — how the melting pot boils”.    

While the United States could value from a formal process or institution that brings more humanity and a more organized society, it is still the responsibility of citizens to help make these changes.  The value of travel changes the perspective of all that the television or media choose to show you.  Just like in political statements, it is what they want you to hear or see.  Getting out in this world gives a perception outside of what you see on the screen. 

Submitted by Katina Winters 04/07/2019